Avalon Dive Park is in need of some beautification & upgrades to serve the community & visitors on Catalina Island. Phase I upgrades include brick and concrete leveling & resurfacing near the dive park stairs & wall, seating and shade coverage for the general public, trash receptacles, signage, and more. Phase II will include encapsulating and repairing the existing sea wall & the sloped rocky area to protect the dive park space from excessive movement due to rock structure loss. Phase III will replace the existing temporary restrooms with a permanent restroom and changing facility for Dive Park use.
Phase I Projected Costs: $28,000
Phase II Projected Costs: $53,000
Phase III Projected Costs: $500,000
Depending on the rate of funding, it is anticipated that Phases I & II will be completed before the summer season of 2022. Phase III would likely be worked on during the off-season of 2022 & with proper timing & permitting would be ready for the summer season of 2023. We have already received $1,500 in donations for this project as of Christmas 2021 and are excited to see changes take place in the new year.